Friday 23 September 2011

Veena/Friday, 14th April

No sex last night either. We had a bit of a kiss and a cuddle in bed, but just when I thought he was up for it, he turned over and fell asleep.

I said, “I think we should talk about this, Phil”, and he said, “Uuunhuhh”, which is unusual as he can usually only manage words of one syllable.


Work is crap just now. Veronica, our Head Teacher, has it in for me. She thinks I don’t maintain enough

discipline. What does she know? When was the last time she was in a classroom? The only way to maintain any kind of relationship with your pupils is with a sense of give and take. I have a good relationship with my kids. They respect me. Okay, maybe I let them be a bit familiar at times, but Veronica would have me flogging them on a regular basis. Maybe teachers should be made to retire at 40, because by that time they’re so divorced from their own childhood they can’t possibly relate. What am I talking about? Setting myself up for retirement in four years time. If only.

But at least I know something about the kids’ music and fashion and stuff. I understand Veronica, being a Buddy Holly fan, thinks she’s ‘with it’. I’ll have to ration Roddy’s computer time. Not only is he addling his brain with shoot-’em-ups, he’s not giving me much of a chance to get this diary down. And if I’m struggling, it just gives Phil an excuse to avoid it altogether.

I know the diary is meant to be voluntary, but it doesn’t hurt to give the lazy bugger a prod now and again. I wonder if he’s actually written anything yet, or does he just come through here, log on to the net and surf for porn. I wouldn’t mind so much if it turned him on and I got a result out of it, but nothing so far. Mind you, he’s such a dozy git he probably can’t even find the porn sites. I’ll do some research tomorrow and put some addresses in his Favourites. It may be playing with fire, but I’m desperate for a heat.

P.S. Fly buggers just told me he’s writing his diary on his work’s laptop.

Not that I was going to look or anything.

Veena, Thursday, 13th April

We should have done this ages ago. It just makes so much sense. But of course Mr I-Know-Everything wouldn’t have anything to do with it. Now, maybe, he’ll see that dealing with problems is better than hiding them.

I intend keeping this diary religiously. Fiona feels that the reason a lot of these therapies fail is because people don’t apply themselves properly. It takes effort to achieve results, so you won’t see any slacking from me. I will write something, if only rubbish, on these pages every day. I used to keep a diary when I was in my teens on an off-and-on basis. Admittedly it was more off than on, but my life was so full then. I had so much to write about and not enough time to do it. Now, it’s possible, that the reverse will apply. Came home from work, fed the men, stuck a washing on, watched TV, went to bed. Fiona says she doesn’t mind us putting in the minutiae of our lives, that it can be cathartic. Dickhead probably doesn’t know what that means. But I can understand where she’s coming from. I want to put my life into some sort of context, especially with regard to the hopes and ambitions I once had. Who am I? Where am I going?

Mr Wilson, no doubt, will spew his sexual fantasies onto his diary pages in the first few days and then clam up like the repressed git he is.

But I think Fiona will keep the rod to his back. I admire her, she seems like a strong person. I’ll need to thank Kate for recommending her. Kate! Who would have imagined her ever needing a sexual counsellor? Who would have imagined us? Veena and Phil, the perfect couple, if they only knew.

Not that there’s anything massively wrong with our relationship or anything. I love him, and he loves me. I think.

I’ll need to think of a filename to save this under in case Roddy finds it. Either that or get him his own computer, but money’s a bit tight just now. I know! I’ll call the file ‘Homework’, he’ll avoid that like the plague!

Anyway, this is meant to be a sex diary. Despite a lengthy session with Fiona yesterday (and some excellent words of advice from her) Mr and Mrs Wilson did not have anything remotely like sex last night.

10 Tips for Building a Strong Relationship

When you hear about couples who maintain a strong relationship through all of life’s challenges, you may wonder how they do it. Some of these couples have faced the same kinds of difficulties that can lead to break-ups for other people, such as financial problems, trouble with in-laws, or differences in interests or personalities. But somehow, these couples have stayed together while others haven’t.

For a long time marriage counselors and others thought that couples had the best chance of staying together if they had similar backgrounds and interests. But recently, experts have developed a different view. Many people now believe that common backgrounds and interests may be less important than other factors, such as differences in values, how couples handle disagreements, or how committed they are.

Every couple is different, so there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for a good relationship. But people who’ve stayed together for a long time tend to have some of the same things in common. Here are ten tips based on the conclusions experts have drawn from studying successful relationships:

1. Have a strong commitment to making your relationship


Many couples start out with a strong commitment to their relationship but, after a while, begin to give it less attention. They may neglect each other while focusing on their work, children, or a time-consuming hobby. In strong relationships both people may have outside interests, but they continue to make their commitment to each other a top priority.


Staying committed begins with accepting that having a good relationship takes work. Problems can occur in any relationship, and both people have to make compromises and adjustments. So it’s important to accept some difficulties or “rough patches” as normal and inevitable. Instead of trying to pretend that they don’t happen, make a commitment to solving your problems together.

2. Think of yourselves as friends, not just as a couple.

Couples who stay together see themselves as good friends. They share a variety of activities, enjoy each other’s company, provide support in good times and bad, and they don’t take each other for granted.

3. Accept each other’s limitations.

Nobody is perfect, and long-lasting couples accept this and learn to cherish each other despite their flaws. One of the biggest challenges you may face as a couple is learning to live with many different kinds of shortcomings. In the early stages of a relationship, both of you may have to accept only small limitations. (One of you is messy and the other is neat, or one of you always wants to try new restaurants while the other would like to have a home-cooked meal every night.) Over time, you may have to cope with larger disappointments --for example, that one of you has never achieved a big career dream or earned as much money as you’d hoped. At every stage of your relationship, it’s important for both of you to know that you’ll love and cherish each other even if things don’t always work out as expected.

4. See yourselves as equal partners.

In successful relationships, two people may have very different roles, but they see themselves as equal partners. They don’t regard one

person’s views or interests as more important than the other’s. Each person feels that he or she is making a vital contribution to the relationship.

One of the best ways to foster this kind of equality is to ask for the other person’s opinion frequently and show that you value it. Try to make joint decisions on big issues --deciding how to save for retirement or how to divide up the household responsibilities --and learn to find creative solutions or make compromises when you can’t agree.

5 . Pay attention to how you communicate.

More than two-thirds of the couples who seek counseling say that their problems include poor communication. It’s vital to learn how to communicate with your partner so that both of you are able to express your needs and desires clearly. One study found that couples can stay close by spending as little as twenty minutes a day simply talking to each other.

The quality of your conversation also matters. Researchers have found that couples who stay together are much more likely to give each other praise, support, or encouragement than those who break up. Many people in long lasting relationships make a point of saying “I love you” every day. Others continually show their affection in small ways. They may touch or hug frequently, give each other back rubs, or tuck romantic notes into the other person’s lunch bag or briefcase. It doesn’t really matter what you do, as long as you and your partner show each other how much you care.

6. Develop a support system.

When they fall in love, many couples think they don’t need anybody but each other. In the long run this usually turns out to be untrue. Maintaining a good relationship is difficult enough that most couples who stay together need a lot of support along the way. This may come


from their friends or family. But it can also come from groups or organizations that reflect their deepest values.

Some couples develop a support system naturally. They have large and close families, or they’re naturally outgoing and make friends easily. If you haven’t found a support system this way, you may be able to develop one by making an extra effort to reach out to others. Sometimes you can find support by getting involved in a community group such as a parents’ organization, a religious organization, or an athletic team. It’s also helpful to take the first step to reach out to others --for example, by organizing a block party or inviting a coworker who’s new to town to have dinner with you and your family.

7. Handle disagreements constructively.

Even in the strongest relationships, it isn’t usually possible --or healthy – to try to avoid all disagreements. A desire to avoid conflict can lead couples to ignore problems until they become too big to handle. A healthy argument can help to clear the air and clarify different points of view.

Since it’s impossible to avoid all arguments, it is important to deal constructively with your differences. This means avoiding personal attacks during arguments or discussions, which can destroy your trust in each other or chip away at your feelings of being loved and valued.

No matter how upset you feel, try to focus on the issues involved in a disagreement, not on who’s “right” or “wrong.” If you’re unhappy that your spouse doesn’t pay the bills on time, don’t accuse him or her of being lazy or neglectful. Instead you might say, “I’m concerned about how late we’re paying our bills. This could affect our ability to buy a house someday.” Or, “I’ve noticed that we’ve had a lot of late charges on our bills. Do we need to work out a better system for making sure these get paid on time?”


8. Make sure each of you has some privacy and independence.

In the early stages of a romance couples may want to do almost everything together. But over time, most couples realize that each person needs room to grow and develop, not just as part of a couple, but as an individual.

In practical terms, this means that each member of the couple needs time alone or with friends away from the other. Allowing each other some independence is a way of giving your relationship room to

“breathe” and showing that you respect another’s unique needs and interests.

9. Share rituals and traditions.

Almost every successful relationship involves some cherished rituals and traditions that help to bind a couple together. Some couples share daily rituals, such as eating dinner together or talking before bedtime, even if one person is traveling and the conversation takes place by phone. Others enjoy weekly rituals such as going to religious services or to a favorite restaurant every Friday night. Still others have annual traditions such as holding a Fourth of July barbecue or attending a special holiday concert.

These activities help couples to define their values and can become a kind of emotional glue that holds them together. The specific rituals you choose aren’t as important as whether yours have a meaning and importance for you and your partner. You might want to adapt the favorite traditions of both of your families, create some new ones, or use a combination of both.


10. Have fun.

No matter how hard they work, couples who stay together usually make time for fun. Some set aside one night a week for a “date” with each other even if you just go out for pizza or for a moonlit walk. What you do isn’t important, what’s important is that you spend time together having fun.

In order to keep having fun as a couple, you’ll need to keep reevaluating your definition of “fun.” If you aren’t enjoying your life together as much as you used to, you may want to take up a new interest or activity that the two of you can share, such as a hobby, a sport, or a volunteer project. You don’t have to have the same interests, but try to find at least one thing that you can enjoy together.

Most strong relationships include at least some of the 10 characteristics listed above. You and your partner can make building a strong relationship a priority by working these tips and characteristics into your everyday lives.

101 Romantic Ideas 1 to 5

IDEA # 1

If your partner is going away for a few days, tell her that you are worried about her so you have organized a bodyguard to look after her. Then give her a small teddy bear.

IDEA # 2

Buy a packet of glow in the dark stars and stick the stars on the roof above your bed to spell out a message such as "I Love You" When the lights go down, your message will be revealed!

IDEA # 3

On a special occasion, buy your partner eleven real red roses and one artificial red rose. Place the artificial rose in the center of the bouquet.

Attach a card that says:

“I will love you until the last rose fades.”

IDEA # 4

Buy the domain name of your partner's name if it is available for example Create a web page containing a romantic poem and a picture of a rose. When your partner is surfing the web, casually ask whether she has ever checked to see whether her domain name is taken. Let her type it in to discover her page.

IDEA # 5

Buy a stylish hand mirror and give it to your partner as a gift. Include a card in the box saying

“In this mirror you will see the image of

the most beautiful woman in the world.”

OC Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown

Different groups of OC stereotypes are trapped in a bar due to a recent zombie outbreak. Little do they know that the Orange County Slasher who has been killing people all week is trapped inside with them. OC Babes and the Slasher of Zombietown is a horror/comedy that starts off when Sean and Ed (if you caught that one this is right up your alley) go out to a bar for the first time for Sean's 21st birthday. There, they meet Madison (the b****), Savannah (the slut), Megan (the hot nerd), Lindsey (the hot edgy nerd), Ashley and Michelle (the porn stars) Mike and Bret (the bro jock guys) and a couple of old barfly skanks and some surfer chick. The night seems like any other for Sean and Ed; filled with rejection. That is until a half eaten woman runs into the bar and warns them about zombies outside. Once they lock the bar up they start dropping like flies.

Horro, Comedy

NetherBeast Inc

Shaun of the Dead fans rejoice! Finally another brilliant horror comedy to win over your undead hearts. The Ronalds Brothers NETHERBEAST INCORPORATED is an offbeat hilarious comedy with a quirky twist on the vampire tale set in modern day corporate America. Employees of Berm-Tech Industries, Inc. have kept the family secret for a long time. For years it has been business as usual, until the top vampire in charge (Darrell Hammond-Saturday Night Live) contracts a dreaded disease, becomes senile forgetting that he s a vampire and starts killing off other vampire colleagues. A human efficiency expert (Judd Nelson-Breakfast Club) and "Dead Mike's" replacement (Amy Davidson-TV's 8 Simple Rules) are invited to work at Berm-Tech but soon they discover that some of their associates (Dave Foley-TV's Kids in the Hall, Newsradio), Jason Mewes (Clerks 1 & 2, Zack and Miri Make a Porno) and Steve Burns (TV's Blue s Clues) are not what they appear to be.


4Play Reloaded

4Play' is a story about four industrious young ladies and best friends who were caught up with wrong men in deceptive web of love. The story goes on to reveal the acts of deceit, lies and betrayal created around these four friends and their men. This fun filled sensational romantic comedy describes the true picture of some of the acts of deceits by men on innocent and industrious women and the result of such betrayal and deceit.

6 Hours To Christmas

It looks like it's going to be a typical 24th December day for suave Creative Director, Reggie and perhaps a slightly more memorable one as his girlfriend promises him dinner and fireworks before the stroke of midnight. Things however take an exciting turn for him when his office colleague and the girl he's lusted after for a long time gives him a Christmas present he finds impossible to refuse. As Reggie's mind goes into overdrive, events unfold into very hilarious and yet bizarre circumstances and it seems a day that started with the promise of Christmas may just end in heartbreak and a gun to Reggie's head.

Foreign Film
Chris Attoh
Nii Odoi Mensah
Damiola Adegbite
Sena Tsikata
Marian Lempogo
Benny Ashun
Asamani Boateng
Victoria Johnson
Charles Cuammy
Directed by:
Shirley Frimpong-Manso
Produced by:
Ken Attoh
Written by:
Shirley Frimpong-Manso

Pleasure and Crime

Johnson(Yul Edochie) is a disguised Electrician who comes into homes of rich men,sleeps with their wives, kidnaps their kids with his gangs and kills his witnesses. His fiance ,Stephanie (Annie Macauley) discovers what he does. Now her life is at stake.

Geek Mythology

Friends Tim and Steve could not be more different. Tim is a geek. Steve is a suave musician with a beautiful girlfriend who has everything going for him. Inspired by the sexual prowess of his upstairs neighbor, Tim adopts a simple and demented approach to serenity - having sex with beautiful women. He doesn't take into account one major setback - women think he's a bumbling idiot. When Tim discovers that the secret to success with women lies in the possession of a mystical statue, his luck changes... for the worse. The statue is attracting Steve's girlfriend, among others. Tim is really caught in a mess. Laughs abound as Tim sorts out his predicament and finds success by looking in the one place he never expected to find it... in himself.

Catching the Fever

A comedy about Orlando who is unhappy with his relationship with his girlfriend. He's contemplating breaking up with her. However, he's not sure if he wants to get back in the dating scene. While his girlfriend is away on a business trip, his friends persuade him to go out and explore his true feelings by setting him up with dates. After several misadventures, he soon realizes that other women can be crazy to deal with. These events will test his commitment and help him finally figure out what his heart desires.

Dil Tho Baccha Hai Ji

After Mumbai based Narens Ahujas wife Madhvi leaves him along with their daughter he decides to move into an apartment and share it with two others. He ends up having two tenants a Casanova type Abhay Suri and an aspiring nerdy poet Milind Kelkar. While fending off advances from his lawyer Sunanda Pradhan he falls head over heels with a new employee June Pinto at his bank where he works as a Loans Officer. Abhay decides to woo former Miss India Anushka who is married to wealthy Harsh while Milind has given his heart to Gungun Sarkar. The trio then embark on a roller coaster ride in order to woo and win the women they want to spend the remainder of their lives with


Cast & Crew
Ajay Devgan
Emraan Hashmi
Omi Vaidya
Shazahn Padamsee
Shradha Das
Shruti K. Haasan
Sanjay Chhel
Tisca Chopra
G.K. Desai
Daisy Irani
Manoj Joshi
Arun Kadam
Aditya Raj Kapoor
Imran Khan
Paresh Rawal
Mukesh Tiwari
Madhur Bhandarkar
Kumar Mangat
Madhur Bhandarkar