Monday 26 September 2011

Phil/Tuesday, 25th April

Well, that was a waste of time. Fiona’s books were what you’d get if Mills & Boon did technical manuals.

More importantly, today my dream came true!

Well, almost.

I was driving downArgyle Street this afternoon when I saw this woman at the bus-stop, and I swear she was exactly like in my dream - Sheena Gray.

I parked the car, double-quick, and ran back to the bus-stop. Luckily there was no-one else there, because when I got up to her, I realised I felt like a right prat. What was I meant to say to her?

I stood at the stop, glancing around casually, and she turned at one point and looked right through me. I realised I’d have to do something pretty fast, or her bus would come and I’d be left standing there like an utter prick.

Finally, I gathered together the small amount of courage I’ve got left after 15 years of marriage and cleared my throat noisily.

“Ehh, excuse me. Your name wouldn’t happen to be Sheena Gray would it?”

She shook her head and said, “No.”

I shrugged, smiled weakly, and was turning to walk away when she added, “But it used to be.”

Would you believe it - Sheena Gray! After 25 years!

Well, it’s Sheena Burns now, because she’s married to some fella, Arthur or something, who works in computers in East Kilbride. We were having a right good gab when her bus came, but I said bugger it, took an unscheduled half-day and gave her a run up the road. She’s still a sweetheart, full of fun, laughs all the time, and we're going to have lunch tomorrow and talk about the old times, looking forward to it.

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